Happy 15,000th Page Visit Post!

Hi all.

Just a quick message of a celebratory nature.

I must confess that within reason I try (okay, okay, most of the time I fail), to not be a bean counter as far as page views, subscribers, or likes, etc., go, but every once in a great while a numerical hallmark is achieved that just deserves mentioning.

In light of that, I was driven, nay, compelled, to briefly mention that the elusive and mighty Gauntlet of Balthazar - for all of it's quirk and multi-focused creative divergences and consciously shameless self-promotion, has well surpassed over 15,000th page visits by readers (and watchers and listeners) across the globe.

From the US to Hong Kong, from Russian to the UAE, and from the UK to India, etc., etc., somehow that hearty number of humans have stumbled onto this home of problematic art, button-pushing commentary and hopefully insightful observations, and I expect some of you have might have even returned here more than a few times.

I will admit that I over the last couple of years (especially in 2019) I slacked often and took many, many breaks, often lengthy, from consistently posting here due to the vagaries and logistics of artistic creation and other real world constraints on my time, but I have to say that (at least at the moment) I'm fairly certain that some fresh content will be on its way.

To divulge just a few tidbits of upcoming events, I must point out that there will be more posts regarding multi-nominated and award-winning Nevekari Enterprise's new proposed episodic series "Sovereignty" involving some new trailers which we will be designing. In concord I am also currently working on an electronic music concept album that is still evolving and shall remain shrouded in secrecy - except for the fact that the disc cover is (once again) a mocking poke at vintage Soviet propaganda. Add to that I will be cranking out more reviews - such as part two of my review of Disney+'s "The Mandalorian" as well as the most recent Star Wars film, not to mention new parts of my comprehensive (and hopefully elucidating) article sorting out the evolution of US political philosophy from 1789 forward - particularly highlighting the sordid history of the Democratic Party. Note: I'll probably re-post the earlier bits in in smaller, more numerous, and more digestible sub-sections as to not overtax the easily overtaxed.

Anyway, that's about all for now.

Till next time.

From the Writer's Studio: The Novice's Guide to Spotting Good Scripting


From the Writer's Studio: The Sexual Politics of Toy Story IV