Buttons, We Don't Need No Stinking Buttons!

Hello everyone, and welcome to, or back to, the Gauntlet of Balthazar - a hopefully enigmatic and curious blog that explores the worlds of writing, art, music, film, media reviews, and of course political philosophy.

While most of my posts here are of a grander and artsy nature, I just realized that for all of my encouraging you, the reader, to follow this blog, since the demise of Google+ there hasn't been a follow button on this page. My bad!

In light of my little oversight I've installed it now, so if you would like to be notified of new posts whenever they appear here just click on the little blue button labeled "Follow" at the top right of the page.

Anyway, that's about all for now, so have a really great day, and as always, till next time.


Finally: Happy Brexit Day!!! - Globalism Versus Sovereignty in Symbolism


From the Graphic Design Studio: The Sovereignty Branding Images