Electronic Music Album of the Day Release: The Space Force EP

Hola, Shalom, Wie Gehts, Bonjour, Konnichiwa, and Jambo - Welcome to the Gauntlet of Balthazar for a delayed old school New Release Tuesday, appearing here on a Wednesday - depending on your time zone of course.

Anyway, I am proud to introduce a new four track EP (Extended Play Single) by 391 & THE ARMY OF ASTRAEA that I have titled "SPACE FORCE".

As it say on the posting sites: "SPACE FORCE" is a November 2019 "funky" four track industrial-electronic extended play single by 391 & THE ARMY OF ASTRAEA designed to be a trolling love song (or is it an homage?) to the foibles, conspiracies, and bluster surrounding contemporary space exploration.

I think the "record" came out pretty much as I intended, capturing a certain comedic flair that aids in the conflation of the polar extremes of admiration and mockery. Regardless, I am quite happy with the result, and if I do say so myself, I think the audio production quality is really solid particularly on the many-layered Space Force (One Small Step Instrumental Remix), otherwise known as track number four.

Needless to say, please listen in stereo or on headphones for the best result.

As an aside I must add that I appreciate all of your recent comments regarding the electronic music give-away posts on this blog, and while I am sometimes unsure of the ulterior meaning or subtext of some comments I imagine that other creative people, like myself, too ponder what the ultimate intention of why to create art, what they want to do with it, and what the endgame of releasing it online is.

I think for me it's pretty simple. I write books and scripts, make films, record electronic music and write songs, sculpt, paint, and create graphic design simply because that is WHAT I DO. In other words, I don't think I have much choice in the matter, and I feel, or know, that I am merely a conduit for some artistic impulse that comes from "without" me. Make of that what you will, but saying that, it is always nice to receive validation from others that the result of such endeavors is in some way appreciated.

So, keep listening, watching, and reading, "like", "share", "follow", etc., and I hope that as my projects aggrandize in scale that you, the audience, will likewise do the same.

Till next time.


Republicans Versus the Race Party...I Mean the Democrats: Part II - 1854-1921


Republicans Versus the Race Party...I Mean the Democrats: Part I - 1789-1854