Electronic Music Album of the Day Give-Away

Salutations, Gauntletarians.

Yes, you are correct - the title of this post is not the usual "Electronic Music Piece of the Day...yada, yada, yada, it's "Album of the Day...", and within reason, that's what we have today - a Six-Track 391 & the Army of Astraea Re-Mix EP (Extended Play) entitled "False Flag".

While most, if not all of these tracks have been featured earlier in Gauntlet history, these altered / variant versions have not, and I personally believe that they are much improved from their earlier incarnations.

Not unusually, and also within reason, these tracks all fall into the same industrial-electronic music genre and feature similar instrumentation, but these six cuts also share a common theme - which is a focus on the fractious state (pun intended) of global politics.

So sit back and enjoy, and ideally, like, share, etc., etc., if you are so inclined.


Till next time.


Electronic Music Give-Away of the Day: The Entire Catalogue Thus Far


Making Bygone Summer Last: Photo Essay One - Charlevoix