Electronic Music Piece of the Day Give-Away

Once again, oh elusive Gauntletarians around the world, hiding in the dark corners of the internet in a futile attempt to throw the powers that be off your scent, we return again for yet another Bandcamp hosted 391 & the Army of Astraea Electronic Music Piece of the Day Give-Away.

Today's track is entitled "Motion Statuary", and while it may reference my own creative endeavors in the field of sculpting, it was more so designed as a three-part soundtrack-tinged piece meant to capture the fanciful, yet disturbing, image of human-formed statues moving of their own accord when no one is looking.

Anyway, please do enjoy, or for heavens sake, at least be kind of creeped out.

Oh, and as I mentioned before, please feel free to hip your friends who are open to Industrial-Electronic tunes to listen, like, subscribe to, and comment on, the Stubborn God Productions Soundcloud  and Facebook Pages.

Till next time.


11,000th Visitor Anniversary Rant (or Why I've Pulled Back from Politics on Social Media)


Electronic Music Piece of the Day Give-Away