Happy Belated Birthday Gauntlet of Balthazar!

This (past) October 3rd marked the first anniversary of the Gauntlet of Balthazar on-line. I had hoped that the event would coincide with the 100th post, but alas, my workload seems to be shaping up to an average of about six posts per month, so that will have to wait a tad longer.

Saying that, I think the project is generally coming along quite nicely, and I hope that whatever your initial reason/s for clicking through that you find great enjoyment in the wide variety of types of content I upload, and obviously, that you return often.

With my erstwhile recent blogger censorship, I have redesigned the Gauntlet's promotional bitmoji graphic to feature the unique domain name address, though traffic will still come through the previous blogspot / blogger url and be redirected here as well, so it's all good.

Even as I write this the Gauntlet is simultaneously launching a Twitter page of its own. If you are not particularly comfortable with clicking on the follow button here on blogger, then by all means, follow us on Twitter. The address is GauntletofBalthazar at https://twitter.com/GauntletTalk

I would very much like to know more about the backgrounds of visitors to this page, specifically those of you from other countries. Sure, the predominance of our readers hail from the US, but there are some decent numbers from countries like Germany, Russia and Ukraine, and smatterings from the UK, Spain, Canada, Italy, Turkmenistan, Finland, China, Afghanistan, Australia, Indonesia, Switzerland, Saudi Arabia, and a few others.

So please feel free to "tell me your deal". Are you politically on the left or on the right? Are you a traditionalist or a progressive? Are you a Socialist or are you anti-Socialist? Are you a religious person, and if so, what religion do you practice or not? Are you in a creative field, the arts, or are you blue collar?

I may design an automated multiple choice selection and post it for ease, but for now, either message me through the blog or maybe better, through the new Twitter feed. Obviously, if you've been following, I am the furthest thing from big brother, so no need to fear me doxing you.

Anyway, please stay tuned for a lot more insightful, humorous, artsy, self-aggrandizing polemic and contrarian button-pushing as the Gauntlet moves firmly into year number two with a new domain and social media backup.

As always, till next time.


European Union Wars Episode II: The Attack of the Clones - Catalonia Update


Oh, the (World Wide) Web We Weave! YouTube, Blogger and Facebook Content Censorship